Pork Products
McGovern Meats stock a varied range of pork products to suit all budgets. Amongst our most popular products is our award-winning sausages. Demonstrating creativity and innovation, McGovern Meats won the 2010 National Sausage Competition Northern Ireland for Fermanagh.

Pork Products include:
- Pork Chops
- Loin of Pork Rind (on/off)
- Stuffed Pork with Apple & Leek
- Cubed Pork
- Pork Fillet

Home-made Pork Sausages
- Plain Pork Sausage
- Pork & Leek Sausage
- Garlic & Pork Sausage
- Pork & Apple Sausage

Bacon Products
- Dry rolled traditional bacon
- Naturally smoked bacon
- Rindless streaky bacon
- Maple bacon
- Gammon
- Stuffed Bacon & Sausage Rolls